UCD Societies

Amnesty Society

About Our Society

Amnesty International is a global organisation campaigning for the justice, freedom, and dignity of people everywhere. Through a global network of over 8 million activists, Amnesty International seeks to support and empower people to claim their rights, and to defend and protect people from human rights abuses. This involves investigating, verifying and exposing human rights issues; lobbying governments and other powerful groups; education and training; and mobilising supporters around the world – which is where we, at UCD, come in!

Amnesty International UCD is entirely student run. We work together in tackling the issues important to us, and we support students in becoming engaged in the fight for justice. Through the involvement of students, we run and take part in campaigns, petitions and protests focused on raising awareness of important human rights issues and fighting for justice globally.

Previously, we have tackled issues such as the plight of refugees in Europe, the conditions suffered by asylum seekers in Irish Direct Provision Centres, and the criminalisation of people seeking abortions in Ireland.

You can learn more about Amnesty International UCD by joining us at any of our events, or by contacting us over email or Instagram. More information about Amnesty International Ireland is available at amnesty.ie.


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