UCD Societies

Chinese Society

About Our Society

大家好! Hi everyone! Welcome to UCD Chinese Society, or in a fancier way, UCD Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UCD CSSA). We were founded in 2003, aimed to help Chinese students fit into Ireland and create an inclusive, open and mutual community in UCD. As the only Chinese society in UCD, our basic activities normally include Language Tea Talk which introduces Irish culture; Games Night like Werewolf, pokers and mystery game, which gives students a chance to bond with each other; and Movie Night to enjoy Chinese movies that you can’t see in Ireland’s cinema. We also organized a number of Chinese and foreign culture exchange activities and interacted with other societies such as Japanese Society. 

  Not only helping Chinese students, we are also devoted to letting other students to experience this unique culture. UCD CSSA held many Chinese traditional festivals activities. Mid-Autumn festival is usually held at the start of the year. We have solving puzzles, making mooncakes, chinese traditional dishes with talent shows. Chinese National Day activity normally held after the Mid-Autumn festival, we also serve traditional dishes and watch military parades together. The Spring festival can be seen as the biggest event of the year, it attracted hundreds of students including Irish students to attend, we gave out red pockets (lucky money), watched the live Spring Festival Gala and talent show together, with traditional dishes, interactive games and rounds of raffles with prizes were given out!!! 

  Except for Chinese festivals, we also host a Halloween party! UCD CSSA generously booked a whole restaurant for students to have fun! We organized a murder mystry game with real NPC with two-course dinner party. Everyone was allowed to dress up whatever they wanted, and every member in the winning group will get a lovely prize!! Of course we can’t miss the karaoke.

  Now you can see, every event is always composed with prizes for participants. Please find the link to our official Instagram page, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or thoughts.

  We also have WeChat subscription platform: UCD学联CSSA, it’s like the Chinese version of Facebook where you could find all exciting activities informations from CSSA come to your phone, rather than searching it. 

 欢迎大家的到来! Looking forward to your joining in!!!

Society Events

Astra Hall, Student Centre

Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner

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