UCD Societies

Nutrition Society

About Our Society

The UCD Nutrition Society 2020/2021 committee are very excited about this year! UCD’s Nutrition Society was founded in 2016 and since then, we have committed to promoting healthy eating and wellness to everyone on campus. Our events this year will be mostly virtual, but hopefully in the future you will enjoy our healthy food events such as breakfasts, smoothie mornings and pizza tastings! We will host virtual talks with prominent nutritionists and dieticians informing students about topics including sports nutrition and topical diets such as vegetarianism and veganism. The main event in our calendar every year is Healthy Eating Week in conjunction with Healthy UCD. Make sure to to follow our social media pages where we’ll be posting our events, recipes, Q&As, busting food myths and more!

Society Events

Meeting Room 5, Student Centre

Lunch and Chats with Camile

UCD O'Brien Centre for Science

The UCD sustainable food fest

Charity Pub Quiz

Harmony Studio, Student Centre

Nutrition Society Breakfast Morning with the PLAN’EAT Team!

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