UCD Societies

Christian Union Society

About Our Society

If you’re new to CU, we’d love to get to know you! We are a group of students who are united in our desire to know Jesus Christ more. We would love to see students grow deeper in faith, love and knowledge of Jesus, and we want to create an open space for non-Christians to come into contact with the gospel (the good news about Jesus) and be given the opportunity to hear and respond to it. The CU is a place that welcomes people of all backgrounds, beliefs and ideas -so we would definitely love to see you at our events!

The CU meets every Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Saint Stephen’s Chaplaincy, to hear from a speaker on a chosen topic. You can sign up to our emails to receive more details each week, or keep an eye on our social media. The vibes are always chill so come join us for plenty of opportunities for discussion and to get to know other students on campus.

One of our favourite events is TMP – our Thursday Morning Prayer meetings. It happens every Thursday morning, bright and early at 8am in the Science building. Get in touch with us or sign up to CU for more info on that!

And why not sign up to one of our Grow Groups! We have several groups meeting on campus during the week to get to know each other better and to dive into God’s word together! You can sign up via our Linktree above or by messaging any of our socials!

We have lots of fun events throughout the year… check out our Instagram @ucdcu to find out more about us and keep up to date with all of our events!

All are very welcome!

Society Events

UCD O'Brien Centre for Science

Thursday Morning Prayer

St. Stephen's Chaplaincy

If God loves and forgives everyone can I live like I want?

UCD O'Brien Centre for Science

Thursday Morning Prayer

St. Stephen's Chaplaincy

Surely there is more to life than this?

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