UCD Societies

Civil & Structural Engineering

About Our Society

Welcome to Civil & Structural Engineering Society.

Our Civil and Structural Engineering Society offers the perfect blend of social events alongside beneficial career focused talks from our sponsors!

As a Civil & Structural Engineering Society member, you’ll have access to attend these talks, giving you the chance to hear first hand from professionals and explore potential career paths

We strive to create a sense community in the Newstead, building relationships and friendships amongst our engineers.

We believe in striking a balance between hitting the books and enjoying the college life, so throughout the year expect to see a lot of events like pub quizzes, pizza parties, mystery tours, sea swims and many more!

Become a member of Civil & Structural Engineering Society member and you won’t regret it…TRUSS US! 

Email us with any queries @civil.structural@ucdsocieties.ie

For more info see links below, in ‘Our Society Via’

Society Events

‘Welcome Back’ Pizza & RedBull Lunch

The UCD Civil & Structural Engineering Society is kicking off the semester with a bang (and a bite)! Join us for our Welcome Back Pizza & Redbull Lunch. Whether you’re fresh off your summer adventures or ready to jump into a new year, we’ve got the perfect fuel to get you started. Swing by for… Continue Reading Civil & Structural Engineering Society

12 September 2024

First Night Out

The UCD Civil & Structural Engineering Society is back with our Annual First Night Out at the legendary Horseshow House! It’s our biggest tradition, bringing all the years together for an unforgettable night of drinks, laughs, and civil  & structural engineer camaraderie. As always, it’s first come, first served for those exclusive drinks vouchers, so… Continue Reading Civil & Structural Engineering Society

19 September 2024

Newstead Careers Fair

The UCD Civil & Structural Engineering Society is excited to host our Annual Careers Fair at Newstead — the highlight of the year for connecting students with top companies in the industry! Our amazing sponsors will be on hand to showcase exciting summer placements, internships, and graduate roles, giving you the inside track on kick-starting… Continue Reading Civil & Structural Engineering Society

25 September 2024

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