We have some exciting news! The street outreach training will take place tomorrow (Monday) at 6-8.40 in the SCIE 0.08 George Moore room! A video will be posted tomorrow showing everyone how to get there This will provide everyone who attends with training , garda vetting for the street outreach and of course pizza. Anyone who didn’t join us as a member during freshers week is more than welcome to come and we can get you signed up.
IMPORTANT: If attending please bring along : a form of ID, two references and a proof of address dates in the last six months
Here is the link for securing your spot – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ucd-svp-social-outreach-training-tickets-1025652382887?aff=oddtdtcreator We really hope everyone can make it , and if you have any questions please reach out