UCD Societies

Games Society

Who are we??

UCD Games Society, or Gamesoc as it’s commonly known, was formed in the mists of time (1998) with the intention of providing relief from the stress and hardships of college in the best way possible – Games. We are UCD’s first, and only gaming society, and the best around.

Whether you’re interested in video games, card games, war games, board game, and even RPGs, we are here to help you do that. Our societies motto is, and always has been, “If it’s a game – we’ll play it”. We support and help all levels of experience, everyone is invited.

Gamesoc strives to be one of the most active societies on the UCD campus, and that’s why you can find us running events every single day, running the full gamut of gaming. 

So come to one of our events, or swing over and say hi – then stay for a game or two!

Join our Discord server and follow our Instagram for our most up to date news!

Society Events

Meeting Room 5, Student Centre

Intro to Board Games


Meeting Room 5, Student Centre

Intro to Card Games

Meeting Room 5, Student Centre

Intro to War Games

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