UCD Societies

Malaysian Society

About Our Society

Welcome! ^.^

Here at UCD Malaysian Society, we aim to showcase Malaysia’s beautifully diversified cultures through hosting a multitude of cultural events. We want to promote bonding between Malaysians and non-Malaysians alike through what we all love most – food. The mouth-watering cuisines, many languages, and unique festivals make us the melting pot of culture that we are. Being Malaysian is embracing the absolute love and respect for one another despite our differences. Anyone and everyone is absolutely welcomed as we love coming and spending quality time together as a family.

Throughout the academic year, the Malaysian Society hosts a variety of events:
🎒 Balik Sekolah! (aka Back to School!) : We introduce the committee and upcoming plans to our new members with a Malaysian dinner to go
🧧 Chinese New Year (CNY) Celebration : We welcome the Lunar New Year with pineapple jam tarts, classic CNY movies, as well as Chinese calligraphy sessions
🥐 Bake Sales : An array of Malaysian pastries and delicacies made by the finest chefs (as in the committee 😉)
🚩 Malaysian Night : Malaysian Society’s annual flagship event to portray the beauty of our cultures through a night of magical theatrical performances
🏀 Get Active! : Futsal, captain ball, basketball, and frisbee (and pizza, for those of us who would rather watch 🙂
🍛 Malaysian Gala : A formal dinner to bid our seniors farewell, with great food and amazing performances going on throughout the evening

To our international friends: Let us show you what it means to be a part of a loving, multiracial family. We’re sure you’ll be able to quickly make yourself feel at home here with us.

To our fellow Malaysians: Selamat datang to your “Home Away from Home”. We hope you’ll love your time here in UCD. ❤️

Society Events

Hall A, Sports Centre

RUMC Games

Astra Hall, Student Centre

UCD Malaysian Society Fresher’s Night

Astra Hall, Student Centre

M’Night 2024

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