UCD Societies

Psychological Society

About Our Society

The Psychological Society is the faculty society of its namesake. We provide plenty of events, both academic and career focused, geared towards psychology students. However, the psychological society is a lot greater than the sum of its parts and is filled with plenty of social events for all students throughout the year, including our very own ball! – one not to be missed.

Psychology is innately at the core of every aspect of life. To fully capture the extent of its influence, we have planned the year to reflect on several of the different paths that psychology encompasses. The year will be full of collaborations, a focus on mental health and available resources, along with a deep dive into the disciplines within psychology.

While the past several years have been full of challenges, they have also opened our eyes to a new way of learning and experiencing the best that life has to offer. Virtual options have become valuable tools and we will be implementing these throughout the year in addition to in-person events.

Alongside our exploration of various aspects of psychology, we are anticipating making the most out of our social events. Our society will provide a space for interaction, education, and most importantly, fun. We want to cultivate an environment that welcomes all walks of life. Whether you are dedicated to or interested in the science of psychology, curious about all the fun we have to offer, or simply at the right place at the right time, all are welcome to the psychological society!

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