UCD Societies

Spanish Society

About Our Society

¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo año escolar!

Our society plans to host a variety of Spanish-oriented events, such as Duolingo nights alongside other language societies, tapas takeaways, salsa nights (dancing and food) and movie screenings to name but a few.  We hope to present the different Hispanic cultures by hosting exciting and informative events throughout the course of the academic year, and maybe even a trip to Spain in the Spring. We will surprise you with weekly fun facts about the various spanish-speaking countries across the world, and even teach you a word or two along the way! What are you waiting for? Come Join us!

The university experience is all about getting involved and getting active, trying something new, having fun and making some great friends and memories along the way.

Keep an eye out on our Instagram page(ucdhispanicsociety) for the upcoming fun events!

 If you have a burning question please contact our society via our social media or through the email link above. And remember…

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